Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) is a decision-planning algorithm that approximates action-values by focusing ๐ŸŽณ Rollouts on high-potential trajectories. Specifically, we maintain a tree rooted at the current state that contains future states and actions with their estimated action-values. To update the tree and action-values, we sample a trajectory that starts at the root, goes to a leaf of the tree, and then plays until termination; the return of this trajectory updates all action-values inside the tree.

More formally, MCTS repeats four steps multiple steps for a single decision:

  1. Selection: select some leaf node in our current tree via the tree policy.
  2. Expansion: expand the current tree by adding child actions and states.
  3. Simulation: simulate a complete episode with the rollout policy that starts from the child state.
  4. Backup: backup returns from the episode to action-values inside our tree.

After these steps, we select our action based on some measurement of the recorded values, for example the highest action-value or highest visit count. Once we get to the new state, we can repeat MCTS using the subtree rooted at the new states.


There are many variants of the tree policy, but the general idea is to get a balance of exploring rarely visited nodes and to expand high-value nodes. For example, the UCT policy seeks to completely expand a state first, then recurse onto the child with the highest score; the score of is defined as

where is the value, is the number of visits, and is the parent of .