Traversal Problem

Visit each vertex connected to source in a graph , finding the shortest path from to for all in unweighted graph .


Keep a queue of vertices that can be visited, and for each vertex in the queue, add its neighbors to the queue if they havenโ€™t been visited before. The queue ensures that we go through vertices in ascending distance order, so BFS finds the minimum distance to all vertices (given that the graph is unweighted).


from collections import deque
def bfs(s, adj):
	q = deque([s])
	dist = {s: 0}
	while len(q) > 0:
		c = q.popleft()
		for n in adj[c]:
			if n not in dist:
				dist[n] = dist[c] + 1


We visit each vertex exactly once (due to the visited array) and each edge exactly once (since we visit an endpoint vertex exactly once), giving us a runtime of .