Dyna is a class of reinforcement learning algorithms that bridge model-free and model-based learning. It uses a learning algorithm that takes experiences from both the environment and the model simulation, thereby presenting two separate paths for learningโ€”one directly through experience and one indirectly through model learning and planning.


One prominent example of this class is Dyna-Q, a ๐Ÿš€ Q-Learning-inspired algorithm. It augments the standard Q-learning updates via samples from the environment model, thus encouraging faster convergence.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Given state , pick action with ๐Ÿ’ฐ Epsilon-Greedy and observe .
  2. Update model and using our transition. If our model is deterministic, our update is simply
  1. Perform the Q-update using our immediate experience,
  1. Repeat times:
    1. Sample from a buffer of past states.
    2. Simulate action on state via our model,
3. Perform another Q-update with our simulated experience, 

Model Updates

If our environment is non-stationary, we would need to continuously update our model. Usually, this happens when our inaccurate model leads to an suboptimal policy that goes to some overestimated state; experiencing the actual value then corrects the error in our model.

A more general solution would be to directly encourage exploration. One method, similar to ๐Ÿคฉ Optimistic Exploration, is to track โ€œtime since last visitโ€ for each transition. Then, we can augment our rewards by adding a small bonus dependent on this record, which encourages our algorithm to revisit transitions that havenโ€™t been seen in a while.

Prioritized Sweeping

Dyna-Q selects pairs from our buffer randomly. However, some updates are more helpful than others. Specifically, the priority of a state should depend on the magnitude of the induced update in our Q-function; the bigger the update, the more likely we should sample it.

Prioritized sweeping is an upgrade to the buffer selection process that maintains a ๐Ÿ”‘ Priority Queue with the key being the update magnitude. Specifically, we replace the final simulated experience step with the following:

  1. Take from the top of our priority queue.
  2. Simulate action , observe , and perform Q-update
  1. Using our model, check all that lead to :
    1. Compute , the predicted reward for action in , and compute the update magnitude
2. If $p$ is above some threshold, insert $(\bar{s}, \bar{a})$ into the priority queue with key $p$.