Coplanar PNP is a variant of the standard ๐Ÿ“ Perspective-N-Point problem with the additional guarantee that the 3D points lie on the same plane. If we let them all lie on the ground, , our goal is the following: given correspondences from world points to pixels and the camera intrinsics , find the rotation and translation of the camera.

The World Coordinates to Image Coordinates equation is given by

Assuming , we can write this as

Observe that this is a Projective Transformation with . The determinant is zero only when the camera lines in the ground plane .

We can find by solving the ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Homography as usual, but our problem now is that must have the first two columns be orthogonal unit vectors. Therefore, we have an extra few steps using ๐Ÿ“Ž Singular Value Decomposition.

Compute . We want to find

with the constraints and . We can do this by decomposing the first two columns of ,

Then, , , and . Finally, to fill in , we have .