With Pipelining, we achieve pipeline-level parallelism where different stages run different instructions at the same time. The next level to this design is superscalar (also called multiple issue), with instruction-level parallelism: executing multiple independent instructions fully in parallel.

Key to this idea is having multiple instructions per stage (currently, around 2-6 is standard). An example ideal scenario is below:

Realistically, there are still many dependencies, which limits the amount of instruction-level parallelism possible. It heavily depends on the application, even though the compiler tries to schedule code to avoid stalls.


During fetch, we need to get multiple instructions per cycle. Complications arise when the next instruction is in another cache block, or when there’s branching. Below are two solutions:

  1. Over-fetch and buffer: add a queue between fetch and decode, and put instructions in the buffer. This compensates for cycles that fetch less instructions.
  2. Loop stream detector: if there’s a loop, put the entire body into a small cache.


To implement bypassing for multiple parallel instructions, we need wires. Each bypass contains 64-bit quantities, and there are multiple levels of bypassing. This lengthens the critical path and makes it difficult to use.

To mitigate this factor, we can use clustering: group ALUs into clusters, and only fully bypass within each cluster (with limited bypassing between clusters). It’s also important to steer dependent instructions to the same cluster.

Register File

Another big problem is the register file due to the growing number of ports. We can similarly use clustering by replicating the register file so there’s one per cluster; reads go to the cluster’s register file (so we need less read ports), though writes need to go to all register files.